Our online price promise guarantee
We are always confident about our pricing but if you find one of the competitors has the same product cheaper please give us a chance to beat it.
The competitor must be an online retailer listed in the UK.
We scour our competitors websites to make sure we offer you the best prices possible on our branded bedding ranges.
But if you do find it cheaper elsewhere give us a call on 0161 302 0361 or email us at sales@bedlinendirect.co.uk
How our Price Promise Guarantee works
See our terms and conditions.
Also FREE delivery on all orders over £100.00
Bedlinen Direct will be happy to price match or beat any lower priced product providing it meets the above criteria and is a current stock item.
We reserve the right to price match for personal use only and not for resale purposes.
We also reserve the right to where necessary, limit the price match offer to one per customer.
For price match purposes the competitor must be a known and verified stockist of the product (excludes ebay & other auction-based sites).
You must also purchase the product on the same day that we offer to match a competitor's price.
All you need to do is check that your price match meets with the above criteria and if it does please email sales@bedlinendirect.co.uk with all the details and our customer service team will arrange the rest for you.